In case anybody's interested, I finally got around to making myself a proper
website. There's probably a bunch of stuff on there you haven't seen, especially on the
Illustration side of things.

I also posted up bunch of full
Comics to read, like this classic
cautionary tale / math comic starring my pal Jason Shiga, and this dusty old
chestnut from the long-out of print Impossible #1 zine. There's some juicy stuff in the
Prints section too, as I reveal how different (usually worse, sometimes better!) my silkscreens look than the original art.

Anyway, feel free to poke around and let me know what you think, what links are broken, etc. Thanks everybody!
that homepage image with rollovers is phenomenal. per usual, i am impressed.
Dan, I am stoked to check your site out! It looks really sharp!!!!!!!!!
The homepage is fresh, especially the prints section.
Hail Zettwoch!
Really nice work.
Love your site, especially the homepage! "Prints" is my fave. Really striking.
Looks awesome, but really, Dan, you need to move to a bigger apartment or something, you look really cramped in that little brown cubbyhole.
looks awesome, dan!!
Ha! I was looking for popping eyeballs somewherez...
Nice work, Dan.
Dan, it look bitchin'! Nice work!
Had a poke around... good work here, will have to come back more often.
Do you still have any "Mets are Pondscum" shirts left? Oh please say yes.
The wesbite looks great, Dan! Nice to see all your work in one handy place. Diggin on the homepage.
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