Friday, May 14, 2010

Endpoint & Sunspring

So, I'm probably more excited than I should be for this weekend. Several bands from my Louisville youth are reuniting to play a couple of shows for a good cause. Two of 'em in particular - ENDPOINT and SUNSPRING - helped shape my musical taste (and personal identity, in so much as the two were interlinked) from ages 15 to 18 more than any other. And despite the Civil War Re-Enactment vibe I get from most reunion shows, I still love heartfelt / homemade hardcore music and am looking forward to seeing the bands and a bunch of old friends. poster by Hero Design Studio, riffing on the iconic cover of Endpoint's Catharsis record.
The only thing that would make the shows better is if there were held at The Machine, a suburban PHOTON facility that held most of Louisville's all-ages shows around that time. I liked that place and its duality of purpose so much that it has since seeped into this comic about barfing I'm working on. Here's a photo of the place during the day:And here's what it looked like at night: See you in Louisville! Thanks in advance to all involved in getting these shows together.


Blogger dave bug said...

Duane made me a mixed tape in 1990 called PUNK RAWK YO MAMA that pretty much taught me everything I needed to know about punk. I think I have a copy around somewhere still. I've been meaning to hunt down mp3s for all the songs.

I'm pretty sure I could still predict the next song if I heard one now.

5:47 PM  

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