Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How Coffee Works!!!

!!! Here's an infographic (click above  to enlarge) I made about one of my favorite things for The University of Michigan's college of Literature, Science & The Arts magazine, the Spring 2012 "Food" issue.

I got to reuse a bunch of caffeine-addled research I did for last year's How Coffee Works / US Patent #597.7311.143 print.
The magazine's color palette:
2 possible graphic directions:
The blueprint sketch, which ended up being sort of a composite of the 2 ideas:
Final art in the magazine !!! Let's all go get some coffee.


Kim Wardenburg said...

Nice Dan!!!!

Greg Stinson said...

Sweet! Any way I can buy a print of this?

Louise Li said...

This is AWESOME! Any chance a print will be available?

Unknown said...

Hi I LOVE THIS!! CAn we buy prints?

Ray Meur said...

Very nicely done, Dan!
Very nice!

Anonymous said...


Zakariya Al-Mubarak said...

I can create an arabic version of it if ia m given the file.

Unknown said...

Did anyone every find out how to buy this?

Anonymous said...

Nice. Please info how can I order print?

Jeffrey Finley said...

Thanks for postinng this