Friday, December 04, 2009

Look at the Fine Print!

Tomorrow I'll be setting up on Cherokee Street, hawking lots of printed goods along with many other great printmakers, as part of the Cherokee Print League. I'll be stationed at Fort Gondo. It goes from 10 am - 7pm. Poster by Firecracker Press:In related news, this week's Amazing Facts & Beyond tells the story of the early advances in printmaking, use of Fine Print, and the first Cherokee Print League:Come see me! Dress warm! I hear there will be cookies somewhere along Cherokee Street, too.


Blogger leslie said...

yes! 2 things i love! cookies and art!!!

5:40 PM  
Blogger The Great Catsby said...

Hey my name is Prongs from GBI. Maybe I am partially blind but I have been scowering your blog to find an email contact for you. My business partner and I are huge fans of your blog/all of your drawings and have a few questions to ask you if you get a chance. I'd love if you could e-mail me back at or leave me your e-mail.

10:51 AM  
Blogger matty lite said...

The Slinger is proudly displayed in a place of honor, thanks man. Remind me to give you some free R&P CDs along with the real-life slinger I owe you...

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's BRED not BREAD.

9:35 PM  
Blogger C & T said...

Hi! Oh gosh. I just found your blog and your prints. I live in Chicago right now, but I am as St. Louisan as Mississippi Mud and I miss it a whole lot. These prints make me homesick!

Question: is the Slinger print still for sale? Can ya ship?

9:40 PM  
Blogger Dan Z. said...

Thanks everyone! Yeah, I've still got some prints left and would happy to ship some out. Write me at danzettwoch (at) g mail (dot) com .

9:10 AM  

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