Friday, January 06, 2012

In the Nest of the Piasa

I've got a two page strip in the new issue of the German/Swiss comics quarterly Strapazin.

The theme of the issue is food & eating, and I served up a re-telling of the "First Midwestern Thanksgiving" dinner.

We follow Father Jacques Marquette's expedition down the Mississippi and his meeting with the local Illiniwek tribes near present day Alton, Illinois.
Gastronomical hi-jinx ensue under the watchful eye of the Piasa.
(Thanks to Chrisoph and the editors at Strapazin, and whoever translated and re-lettered my weird story into German.)


Blogger vollsticks said...

That stuff oozing out of the loaf of bread is profoundly disturbing to me. I can never un-see that image.

1:20 PM  

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