Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cheap Bastard Does Dallas

Here's a bunch of stuff I drew The Dallas Observer this week, for this hilarious and informative article: THE CHEAP BASTARD'S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO EATING LIKE A TOTAL CHEAP BASTARD IN DALLAS. The piece involved a cover (above), a bunch of gut busting interior charts, and a centerpiece designed too look like a cheap-o puzzle placemat your kids (or you) would color and spill jalapeño ranch sauce on. Early sketch:

Tighter Sketch, based on ideas by The Cheap Bastard herself:

Finished art:

Having never met The Cheap Bastard, here's how I pictured her:

Rough Cover Layout:

Final drawing:

The I busted out out my crayolas and leaky coffee mug to add some verisimilitude. Oh, and SPOILER ALERT that's not actually a jalapeño ranch stain -- it's garlic mayonnaise.

Here are some info-charts that show up along the way. Again, TCB gets all the credit for these. Sketches:

Hi-Tech data-soaked renderings:

I encourage you to check out the full article, especially if you live in the Dallas area or are planning a visit. As for some really behind-the-scenes stuff, here's how I was envisioning The Cheap Bastard character before I knew she was a lady. Cheap Bastard, Aristocrat Hobo:

Cheap Bastard, The Frugal Gourmet:

Cheap Bastard, Restaurant Rascal:



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