If you find yourself in the magazine aisle of your local grocery, look for the September issue of
Nickelodeon Magazine (there is a smiling cow on the cover). In addition to lots of other fun kids' stuff there is a weird "back to school" themed drawing that I drew for the cover of the comics section (
pictured above). Inspired by some Sharpie/White-Out drawings I did on
French cardboard, the editors suggested I do some drawings on (American) brown paper sacks. Here are my first rough and real stupid ideas:

At some point I decided to do a drawing on a 3-dimensional bagged lunch rather than flattened sacks and here were some ideas on how that could've worked ...

... and then (
of course) I decided to turn it into a hot rod! Actually two dueling hot rods, one full of gnarly bad-for-you bully foods and one full of wimpy good-for-you foods. WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?! The first step was to stage the little drag race scene by stuffing a couple of sacks with me and Jenny's actual lunches and position them on the blue tile floor of the
St. Louis Science Center's gift shoppe. Then our pal John took lots of nice pictures with his fancy camera.
Thanks John!
I got rid of the sweet note from Mom and changed the tile to a nice puke-green back-to-school color. Speaking of wimpy, at some point I realized that I wouldn't be able to do the drawings on the bags themselves so went toward a more layered photo/illustration combo method. Bottom-line -- it was light-box and tracing paper time:

After a bunch more boring computer voodoo this is how it turned out (
below). Now get back to shopping or your ice cream sandwiches are gonna melt!
i've gotta root for the underdog - go milk, go!
totally awesome! mad props...
Wow, look at you! Awesome. I might be in that issue...I've done 2 illustrations from NickMag in the past couple months. I'd love to get to do this some day. I've seen a ton of the back issue covers...many a great artist have graced it's pages. Congratulations, Dan! And as always, thanks for posting your process.
This is totally awesome. I love seeing the process, too, and would even love to get more detail on the computery mumbjo jumbo you do.
That's so awesome.
That's the kinda cover that makes you say, "VROOMMMM--VROOMMMM!"
(that might just be me..)
love it
saludos dan!
your creativity is amazing, dan.
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