Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Print: St. Louis Style!

I just finished a new screenprint, which will debut this weekend at the Rock ' n Roll Craft Show at 3rd Degree Glass Factory here in St. Louis. The print combines a couple of my inspiration/obsessions (gross food, local lore, the St. Louis skyline) and is guaranteed to look good any kitchen. Here were some sketches: You'll notice that I eventually ditched the Arch-as-Giant-Belly, as well as the Dirt Cheap Chicken's inclusion in the pantheon.Here were the results of some color tests after mixing up inks. I thought that I could create a T-Rav / Brain Sandwich-ish orange by laying a Provel yellow over the St. Paul brown ...
... but I also made the happy discovery that laying the Gooey Butter / Ted Drewe's yellow overtop of the brown yielded enough of a Vess green to keep me from adding a fourth ink. Huzzah for semi-translucency!Working on the print reminded me of this illustration I did a couple of years ago, showing just how many times I can regurgitate the same local landmarks. Anyway, the new print is a 3-color, hand-pulled screenprint on wheat-colored Canson Edition paper, edition of 100, 30" x 11 1/4". I'm sellin' 'em for $25 apiece.Thanks for reading! Hope to see some of you at the Craft Show. I'll be working all day Sunday, if anybody wants to bring me any reference for future prints.


Matthew Frederick said...

thanks for making me hungry.

well done!

Katie O'Malley said...

i love this

Patrick Keck said...

egg yolk and milk fat!

Bill Keaggy said...


Dirt Cheap Chicken said...

It's fantastic - but I think it would be even better with my mug in the mix! Maybe next year.

@DirtCheapChickn (Twitter)

JezmundtheFamilyBezerker said...

How much are the prints?

Dan Z. said...

Thanks everybody! I'm selling them for $25 a pop.

Cathy said...

Dan, I want one of these prints! Even though there isn't any spam!

Stephanie said...

Love your work! My sister bought me this print for my home in Chicago to have a little STL in my loft. Just blogged about you here, too:

Unknown said...

Any still available? I def want one!

Anonymous said...

Nice print! I think it done by special printing method.

The Distinguishing Hogjaw said...

These must have already been gone by the time I got to the R&R craft the awesome steamboat one instead, but I'd love to get one of these for the kitchen--any way to still get one?