Friday, May 26, 2017

Route 66 thru St. Louis

Illustration done for Explore St. Louis.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

PIX 2017 Poster

Here's a poster I designed, illustrated and printed for this year's Pittsburgh Indy Comix Exposition. The ToonSeum in Pittsburgh is currently offering some up as rewards for their fundraising campaign.  Here's some sketches and process stuff from the poster's creation:
Alternate sketches:
Vintage firecracker reference I collected.
I love this stuff. You can see how much I swiped from them:
Hand-drawn textures:
Original layout:
I decided to hand-letter everything:
(I didn't end up using the long-reach stapler). Final art:
Color separations:
Final print:
There are also some available for sale at my online shoppe.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2017 Beggin' Pet Parade!

Another year, another pack of dogs roaming the streets of Soulard, it's the Beggin' Pet Parade. The final 3-color screenprint shown above, sketches and process art below. See you there!