Here are a couple of big paintings I made for my friend Owen who was just born a little while ago.

They are inspired by Owen's rocket-styled crib and bedclothes:

Originally I was gonna do a big ol' mural in Owen's room, but Meghan wouldn't let me paint a cat on her house. She was cool with the monkey. Here was the mock-up.

So I just ending up doing these instead. The kitty ended up not making the cut anyway, and I replaced it with constellations of a bunch of stuff Owen is sure to hate when he grows up. He'll probably be into the oboe, lacrosse, microfiche and street-luge. And cats.
Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 36".

Happy Birth & Merry Christmas, Owen!
(NOTE: Owen is not scared of Santa, he's just pooping.)
Maybe Santa is pooping too!
Nice paintings, Dwizzle.
This-is-nice. Very Nice!
so THAT'S what you did with the illustrator stuff you showed us earlier this semester! Very cool. That last picture with Santa made me laugh/snort.
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