Friday, January 27, 2012

Golden Arches! The Gilded Age of Logo Design in St. Louis

This week Leon Beyond takes on a legendary era in local logocraft (above: click to enlarge). Sketches below:
During our research we found this great resource of more current, active Arch-based logos.
Keep up the good work, everyone!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Product Review: Sherpa Sweatshirt

Monday, January 23, 2012

Red Carpet Season

Some art for shirt.woot!'s annual award extravaganza, The T-List Awards:

(click to enlarge)
Beware the fashion police!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Cancun Sketch Dump

I finished my paperback on day two, so had to doodle this comic in the ol' sketchbook instead. Click to enlarge:
Here are some more scenes straight from the beach:

Friday, January 06, 2012

In the Nest of the Piasa

I've got a two page strip in the new issue of the German/Swiss comics quarterly Strapazin.

The theme of the issue is food & eating, and I served up a re-telling of the "First Midwestern Thanksgiving" dinner.

We follow Father Jacques Marquette's expedition down the Mississippi and his meeting with the local Illiniwek tribes near present day Alton, Illinois.
Gastronomical hi-jinx ensue under the watchful eye of the Piasa.
(Thanks to Chrisoph and the editors at Strapazin, and whoever translated and re-lettered my weird story into German.)

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Cats Playing Trivia

Happy to help my friends at Tenth Life Cat Rescue with this poster for their upcoming, always-fun, trivia night. My first idea was this cat/ball-of-yarn/brain thing, which was kinda gross:
Then I thought a riff on the classic C.M. Coolidge Dogs playing Poker (but with Cats playing Trivial Pursuit) might be fun too:

And that's the direction we went:
I also recently drew this coffee label for a special Tenth Life blend they were roasting up:
In summation, I love cats, trivia, and coffee. And you.