I finished those birth announcements for my little nephew Oscar I was talking about earlier! Above is a scan of the actual screenprint. Below is what your experience must've been like if you got one in the mail.
(photo credits: Jenny C.)
And so you can judge how well I captured Oscar's likeness, here is a reference photo. Okay - you caught me - I'm only posting it because it is so cute.

And to get back to the nuts-and-bolts stuff that is the bread-and-butter of this blog (sorry fellas!) here is a color test I did when mixing the screeprint inks. I never quite got the orange as transparent as I wanted but I guess there's always next time.

Labels: Cuteness, Envelopes, Flying Dragons, Ink Transparency, Screenprints
That's a cute baby. Seriously. I'm not lying.
What gang is Oscar rolling with?
Throw up ya set!!!
Look at those long fingers. Perfect for drawing... he's set to follow in his uncle's footsteps!
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