Check out a new 2-page full-color strip I've got in Brooklyn's comics newspaper
SMOKE SIGNAL. It's about the worst disaster, bodycount speaking, to have ever taken place on American waterways, the "wreck" of the civil war-era steamship

Here are some research/sketches:

Here's a bibliography:

Huffman, Alan. Sultana:
Surviving the Civil War, Prison, and the Worst Maritime Disaster in American History. Harper, 2010.
"BLEW UP THE SULTANA: The Cause of the Horrible Disaster Explained at Last."
St. Louis Globe Democrat, May 6, 1888.
Rule, D.H.
"The Boatburners." Civil War St. Louis. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.
"Steamboat Engine Room," Twain Times, Web. 10 Nov. 2010.

If you're not in Brooklyn or nearby the Desert Island comic book store, copy of the newspaper (with the beautiful cover seen above by
Jordan Crane) can be ordered

Keep an eye on those boilers out there, friends!
wonderful stuff, makes want to go and get my pens out and start scribbling.
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