Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Print: Birds and the Bats

Here's a new print hot off the press! It's an expanded version of an Amazing Facts & Beyond strip from last year's baseball season, detailing the evolution of the St. Louis Cardinal's famous Birds-on-the-Bat emblem.3-color hand-pulled screenprint on ivory Canson Mi-Tientes pastel paper, 19" x 25". Here was a sketch:Messing around with the 3 inks:The ink drawing & final digital art (Note how much copying and pasting I did of the birds once I had a few good ones drawn):These will be debuting for sale (for $25) this weekend at the Rock and Roll Craft Show here in St. Louis, next Saturday at the Cherokee Print League Holiday Sale, and are available from me directly I reckon. Thanks!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hippo Hippo Hungry

Here are a couple of pieces from my hippopotamus phase of summer '10. Above is my one-page comic from the hot new STUDYGROUP 12 anthology, issue #4. It's based on the real-life escaped pet of Columbian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. The book is out now, and was edited and with cover art by Zack Soto:And here is a painting I made for my nephew Wally, inspired by a crazy orange ceramic hippo he has on his dresser. Vector mock-up:Finished painting:
Acrylic & fluorescent enamel on wood panel, 24" x 18".

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Amazing Creeps and Beyond

Be sure to check out this week's Amazing Facts & Beyond, in which Leon divulges true identities of history's most notorious Christmas Creeps.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tel-Tales #1: Cut Lines & Intricate Minds

My Dad Toots Zettwoch & I collaborating on a new mini-comic series called Tel-Tales. The first issue - - containing a story entitled Cut Lines & Intricate Minds -- is finished and available now! Above: 2-color screenprinted cover, printed on AT-T/Bell Systems punchcard, c. 1983.Toots wrote the story, did rough breakdowns (shown above), and provided reference from his days working at the phone company in the 70's (below).Here were my rough layouts:And here are a couple of examples of how I translated his breakdowns into final spreads in the book:The book is 3.75" x 3.25", with a big center foldout and a wrap-around color cover. The endpapers were inspired by the intricate art-deco metalwork found on the outside of the AT&T building featured in the story:The book is for sale at the Catastrophe Shop, Star Clipper in St. Louis, and will be available at more distros and specialty stores around the country soon.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Beer Eagle Halloween

(from Leon Beyond's The 66 Year Stink)

Friday, November 05, 2010

Famous Fictional Verses! Mixtape

Download HERE!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Famous Fictional: VERSES tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night! Eyeballs will drool. Hearts will melt. Thirsts will be quenched.
Above: 2-color screenprinted poster. Below: sketch.Below: in-progress pixxx of 2 the paintings I'll be showing

Monday, November 01, 2010

Act Fast!

You have until Noon today, Monday November 1st, to buy my 'Great Green Gobs of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts' t-shirt, lest it goes outta print forever. The shirt and colors turned out great, as shown on the satisfied customer above. Thanks to anyone who already picked up the shirt, or offered their regional varietals.