Here are some drawings from the forthcoming
HOLD ON zine, the hottest new art/recipe/word-puzzle magazine on the streets. Be on the lookout for biweekly issues on the newstands soon.

Staying in on a Saturday night, listening to punk rock records, drinking
Big Red soda, doing weird/gross drawings, makes me feel 15 again. Why does life ever have to be more complicated than this??

While I'm being nostalgic it seems like a good time to post this recent painting I made for an art show
commemorating the local comics shoppe
Star Clipper's 20th anniversary. My idea was to recreate the cover to a comic I made 20 years ago. (My pals
The Hurtt Locker and
Ron DMC did a similar deal.) Here was the original cover to "The Origin of the Society of Super Robot Forces" (
© 1988).

And here's the new version,
Is the magazine already on the market?? I was trying to get some editions with no luck.
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